Mise en Scene of The Shawshank Redemption

Mise en scene, simply put, is everything placed in the scene (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014).  Not to be forgotten is the actor (whether male or female).  The actor is often one of the most memorable aspects of miss en scene in any movie.  There are undoubtedbly other enduring aspects (the setting, a prop like a light saber for instance, or a costume) but of all of these, acting is the most prominent.

I will highlight three actors from The Shawshank Redemption, listed below and then followed by their most appropriate acting category:

Tim Robbins:  Interpretor

Morgan Freeman:  Wild Card

Bob Gunton:  Character

Tim Robbins was challenged with portraying a man falsely imprisoned.  Not just a man, but a successful man, not accustomed to a criminal life style and in no way ready for prison life.  He played the role of Andy Dufresne.  The film was an adaptation from a Stephen King short story and Robbins was left to “interpret” the role of Andy.  For instance, watch Andy during his transport to the prison; when he gets off the bus and then walks towards the building.  He has most definitely captured the essence of an innocent man well beyond his element.  Robbins displays the wonder, fear and alienation that Andy likely felt that day.  Robbins could only have accomplished this by offering us his interpretation of how an innocent man would enter prison.

Morgan Freeman, on the other hand, has played many different kinds of roles.  In this film, he is somewhat a fatherly figure to some of the inmates, but most importantly he becomes a close friend of Andy’s.  He also provides narration throughout the film.  Freeman’s voice is one that is easily identifiable, so much so that we often hear it on commercials.  While this might lend some to believe that he would fall into the “character” category, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Freeman is in a league of his own when it comes to acting ability, and he displayed this very well in this film.  Watch the following clip and see for yourself:

Freeman (as “Red”) convinces the viewer that he doesn’t care about geting paroled; but he does care.  Even though he walks in with his lips pursed, his eyes tell a story of hope.  His desire to speak with his “younger” self also tells that story.  And then magically, he is out.  Again, his eyes tell the story; is is truly amazed at what freedom feels like.  Yet years later he will play a cult style leader of a post-apocapluptic world in the film Oblivion, and he will do so convincingly.  He is acting prowess allows him to venture from Drama, to Sci-Fi, to even comedy (Bruce Almighty).

Bob Gunton is a true character actor.  In The Shawshank Redemption he plays the prison warden.  A recurring role which he performs well.  However, Gunton, though clearly recognizable, has never achieved “star” status like Robbins and Freeman.  Gunton has spent time between both the small screen and big screen.  The list of television shows he’s been in appear to be greater than the number of films he’s acted in.  There is no doubt that he is an excellent actor, but based on his filmography (including television) it would appear that he is sough out (or seeks out) very specific roles – dominant male type roles.

My actor of focus, Morgan Freeman, does not have to worry about being “typecast” or only being placed in movies that cater to specific roles he would enforce.  Take for instance his role in the film Red, where he becomes an eldery action hero, or the aforementioned movie Oblivion, where he plays Beech, a leader of a rebel group that confronto the protagonist, Tom Cruise.  Freeman has been able to adapt his acting to any genre and in each has excelled where only a very few handful of actors have been able to excel.


Goodykoontz, B. & Jacobs, C.P., (2014). Film: From Watching to Seeing, 2nd ed. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

imdb.com, (2015).  Shawshank Redemption Andy entrance.  Retrieved from:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR8hHqDygYQ

imdb.com, (2015). Memorable scenes: Shawshank Redemption morgan freeman-red is free from prison-best scene.  Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWQYVYvoqDA

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